The Brotherhood of Merlin
Book One
Copyright 2018 © Rory D. Nelson
Print ISBN
eBook ISBN 978-1-48356-836-2
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for use of brief quotations in a book review.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Blissful Homecoming
Chapter 2: Fallen Angel falls Further
Chapter 3: Time to Strike
Chapter 4: Valiant Neighbors
Chapter 5: The Retired General vs. Assassins
Chapter 6: An Act of Subterfuge
Chapter 7: Escape
Chapter 8: The White Wolf
Chapter 9: Survival
Chapter 10: Butchery in Missalia
Part 2: The Brotherhood
Chapter 11: Meet the Legend
Chapter 12: Guidance from Beloved Mentor
Chapter 13: The Tyrant
Chapter 14: Merlin’s Surprise
Chapter 15: Prepare for Battle
Chapter 16: Adele, the Sex Slave
Chapter 17: Further Acts of Depravity
Chapter 18: Assault
Chapter 19: An Unlikely Ally
Chapter 20: Adding Insult to Injury
Chapter 21: Failed Attempt
Chapter 22: The First Assault
Chapter 23: No Mercy. No Prisoners
Chapter 24: A Message from Merlin
Chapter 25: Underestimating the Enemy
Chapter 26: Unexpected Setback
Chapter 27: Tenuous Meeting with a General
Chapter 28: Painful Loss
Chapter 29: Deathtrap
Chapter 30: Sodomy and Rape of the Mind
Chapter 31: Another Act of Subterfuge
Chapter 32: Time to Improvise
Chapter 33: One Turn deserves Another
Chapter 34: Reluctant Recruit
Chapter 35: No Mercy. No Escape
Chapter 36: Bamboozled Beyond Belief
Chapter 37: Unleash the Hound of Hell
Chapter 38: Recompense in Full Measure
Chapter 39: One More to Rescue
Chapter 40: Rendezvous with a Spy
I would like to thank my best friend, partner, and love of my life, Janell Galindez for all of her hard work and supporting in helping me with this endeavor. Without her, this book would not have been possible. In short, she has been my rock of Gibraltar. My proofreader, editor, website developer, SEO specialist ebook formatter and all around technological wizard. Being technological inept myself, she has proven herself resourceful and invaluable in running my cross promotion events, giveaways, and Mailchimp campaigns. And she has done it all without monetary compensation – only to need to see my dreams of being a successful author come to fruition. She is the epitome of a selfless partner. Thank you Love!
I would also like to thank my mom, who has always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and continues to recruit new readers for me among friends and family. Thank you Mom!
Chapter 1: Blissful Homecoming
Dante and Isabella frolic in the meadow with their dog Mitz, a large wolf-mastiff hybrid, who, at over eight and a half feet long, towers over the top of their heads. He is an intimidating presence, but as docile as a lamb and much enamored with his guardian’s children. In many ways, he is a surrogate parent during their father’s frequent absences.
The children run at breakneck speeds through the meadow, oblivious to the dangers that lurk around them, as children are inclined to do. Mitz barks loudly in a low pitched, deep timber, enjoying himself but keeping a constant watch on the children as they dart very near large potholes in the meadow beds. A dangerous array of fiery empire ants, who possess the ability to squirt a poison at their victim, disabling them for future meals, lurk in the pothole’s shadows. Humans are not immune to their toxins and the unaware occasionally succumb to blindness when the ants squirt poison in their eyes.
Whenever the children venture too close to the potholes, Mitz darts in front of them and re-directs them to a safer path. Naturally, the children confuse his behavior for playfulness.
Mitz’ ears perk up and he barks suddenly, alerting them to a familiar presence. It is Father. Almost two months passed since they last seen him. His post is an especially demanding one; one requires a lot of time away from his family, much to the chagrin of the children.
With as much fervor as their previous task consumed them, the children run feverishly for their father. Mitz diverts them from another insidious pothole as they race through the field. Father routinely brings gifts for them upon his return and they are excited about the imminent wonders they will soon behold.
The children could not have imagined a more loving father. He has never raised a hand to them, although he does threaten their mother would do so. The mere mention of this threat is enough to induce the children into more appropriate behavior. They detest the thought of father’s disapproval.
On occasion, when they do not behave in the absence of Father, he would make references to such behavior, causing the children to wonder how he could have possibly acquired such knowledge. It is almost as if the man possesses a sixth sense. With one eyebrow raised and his hands folded across his chest, his disapproving look would be what was needed to induce the children into confessing mischievous behavior. He would smile and forgive them unconditionally.
The children run quickly into their father’s waiting arms. Even Mitz leaps up into his arms. He picks them up easily, as if they weighed no more than a bag of feathers.
“Father, Father! We missed you!”
“And I missed you, little runts!”
The children laugh.
“Did you bring us anything, Father?” asks Isabella.
“Now, now! Can’t a father get home first and make his stay before his little ones start pestering him for gifts?”
Dante is quick with a reprimand. “Isabella, can’t you wait for anything?”
Father gives Isabella a stern look for a couple of seconds and she looks away, feeling slightly dejected. Father smiles and laughs. Isabella giggles in response.
“I do have something for you both, but tell me, have you completed your studies?”
In unison, they cry out desperately, “We have Father!”
“Very well, then.” Father reaches into his large knapsack and produces a medium sized box and hands it to Dante. Upon opening it, Dante discovers several small silver figurines, battalion forces molded into many different battle-ready poses. A large board boasts an incredibly detailed scene in front of a castle. An army could be seen behind the ramparts, ostensibly preparing for an imminent battle to be fought within the imagination of a gifted boy. Dante would have no trouble immersing himself in such a make-believe world.
“Wow! Never seen anything like it, so I haven’t,” exclaims an awestruck Dante.
One figure in particular catches his attention. This figure is taller than the other ones and has oval shaped glasses over his eyes, for what reason Dante can only surmise. Two large caliber revolvers are positioned on his right side and another high caliber revolver is on his left. An empty sword sheath is positioned on his right side and attached to his belt.
In his hand he carries a double-edged sword and the blades appeared to be deadly and expertly crafted. Dante notices the figure is dark-skinned, has especially high cheekbones and a prominent but not overpowering nose. A large, rounded jaw accentuates unusually large and supple lips not a
kin to other races. The figure appears to be both menacing and noble all at once.
As early as Dante can remember, he was mesmerized with the stories of the Round Table Knights.
“I see you have noticed Merlin, Dante. He is actually a real figure. He has only recently been inaugurated as our Merlin, the first to assume the role in over two hundred years.”
“Never seen anything like him so I haven’t,” says Dante, still awestruck.
“And in your life time you most likely never will. He is an extraordinary man. The consummate and preeminent knight. The lead. The Merlin. The stories you have been told are all true. Take care with it. Perhaps it will become your talisman.”
“Thank you, Father! I love my gift.”
“You are welcome lad!”
“My turn Dada!” cries Isabella, in a squealing, high pitched tone that annoys Dante.
Father looks at Isabella inquisitively, toying with her. “Hmm. Did I remember to get my little girl something?” He asks.
“Daddy!” She looks almost crushed at the implication.
Father smiles and Isabella returns it. “Of course, I have.”
She squeals in excitement while Dante rolls his eyes in mock irritation. Father reaches into his knapsack again to produce two large dolls. Both are incredibly life-like and carved from Dagwood, an incredibly resilient tree possessing a natural shimmer. Father presumably paid a handsome price for them.
It perplexes Dante his father could have room for such items in his knapsack and still have the necessary supplies for his long journey, but he does not let his mind linger too long on such oddities.
The door to their cottage slams shut and they turn around to see their mother exiting out of it. Upon seeing his love, Lucian’s face lights up in a radiant smile. In that moment, he regrets nothing. Even Dante takes notice of his mother’s timeless and classic beauty. She has delicate, milky white hands, with the fresh aroma of jasmine and honeycut.
Her hair shines a lustrous auburn brown and radiates dazzling red highlights when the sun hit it just right. She boasts high cheekbones, full supple, blood-red lips and big blue eyes, reflecting gold specks in the twilight. Her nose is small and feminine, and her skin is milky-white and as clear as a porcelain doll.
Lucian, the young, lustful father takes notice of her other heavenly attributes- an ample and perky bosom, small waist, curvy hips, smooth flat tummy and a large shapely ass. She is the perfect mesh of athleticism and voluptuousness. His maker truly blessed her and tormented him with inducements beyond his ability to resist.
With her impressive physical attributes, she has several character attributes which further distinguishes herself. Sophia is empathetic, kind-hearted, strong-willed, selfless, humble, compassionate and not an easily intimidated woman. She is incredibly succinct, direct and does not waiver in her resolve. She would say what needs to be said and make no apologies for it. It is no wonder Lucian fallen in love with her and risked everything to be with her.
To avoid the inevitable repercussions that would ensue should they be discovered, he purposely hides her away along with his family. The tiny town of Coifen is close enough to the major thorough fares to be accessible to the festivals, markets and general hub of village life, yet far enough away from the Capitol to pose a serious risk of discovery. It is a balance of relevancy to village life and isolation from prying eyes, or so Lucian believes. Being in love is sometimes akin to living in a fog.
“Children, go inside and play with your new toys.” They comply.
Mitz sprints after them.
Sophia runs to her husband. Every time he looks at her, a lump forms in his throat and he is unable to swallow for a brief moment. Lucian hopes he will be able to see her through the rest of her life, but such things are beyond his control and subject to the whims of a capricious and cruel God.
“Lucian!” She jumps up into his arms and he swirls her around, eliciting her childish giggles and a bout of dizziness. He kisses her, gently at first and then more passionately as he is stirred on.
“My love. My life. It’s been too long.”
“Much too, Lover.”
She sighs. “How long will you stay this time before you are called back to your King for some indispensable servitude?”
“In that regard, I have some news.” He smiles sheepishly.
She looks back at him and frowns, nonplussed. “What are you saying’?”
“I have some news. And, I will announce it at supper.”
Her eyes light up and grow in dilation, her mouth slowly forming a smile. “Tell me!”
“Good news is to be enjoyed by the whole family, is it not?”
“Lucian Battias Commodes. You are a monster!”
He laughs. “Only to the enemies of the Republic.”
“You are incorrigible!”
“Last one to the front door is a coonter!” He sprints for it.
Clearly expecting his mischievous ways, Sophia produces an Allen bead, a fairly large piece of pliable rope with many metallic pieces and several magnetized beads which forcefully close in on each other when the device is hurled at something, momentarily tripping up an assailant or predator.
She hurls it at Lucian and her weapon hits its mark. It wraps around his feet and collapses in on itself, tripping him up in the process. He goes down like a rock but manages to put up a hand to keep his face from hitting the ground.
Sophia triumphantly runs past him. As he hits the ground, he begins to laugh. His laugh is contagious and soon Sophia is bursting with giggles, bouncing up and down, claiming her victory. The kids join her in her revelry.
Lucian jumps up as if nothing happened and joins in the ebullience. “Little cheater!”
The kids chant. “Mommy wins! Mommy wins!”
While supper is being prepared, Dante and Isabella notice their mother is especially jovial. She is always happy when Father returns from his post, but today is different. Normally, her happiness is short lived as the circumstances are bitter sweet. Father would return home for sometimes only a few days at a time and be off to his post for months. Now Mother cannot contain her giddiness. She smiles almost continuously.
As the family sits down to dinner, Father chimes his challis with his spork. As is customary, he stands up and makes a toast and raises up a glass of alespritz. “To Christ. To King. To perpetuity, To Love. To Family and a long and prosperous Life.”
“Ai,” proclaims the family.
“In that vein, then let me continue. Three days hence, I’ve given my termination notice to King Meneleaus. I shan’t be returning to Court. You will have me as your father, here and always.”
Several seconds elapse. The family is too stunned to say or do anything. Although they hoped for good news, they did not expect this. Mother hugs Father with a vise-like grip as if fate should have it otherwise. Tears glistens in her eyes and she is incapable of holding them at bay. They begin to chant. “Daddy! Daddy!” They jump up on him, smothering him with kisses.
The following two years are the happiest of Dante’s life. Even two thousand years after the fact, long after his mortal body no longer exists, and his preternatural body remains, his mind clings to the memories of those two years like a bright midday sun hugs the slowly dissipating vestiges of a dense fog.
Chapter 2: Fallen Angel falls Further
Dante is incapable of stopping time any more than the full moon has of catching up with the Sun. Autumn takes its hold of the Siemen Valley in Coifen and with it the inevitably cold morning temperatures that follow. Dante awakes one fateful morning with a perplexing chill, his teeth rattling in his mouth.
Even Mitz, who thrives in below freezing temperatures, is duly affected by the cold. He pokes his head through the thick blankets and crawls under in an attempt to get warm. Under mundane circumstances, this may have been comical, but there is nothing about the situation that bears normality. The dead of winter does not bring about such mind-numbing cold.
And in those rare cases
of below freezing weather, Mother and Father would always keep a vigil on the fire, ensuring the house remains warm enough for him and his sister. In addition to the freezing cold, the air brings about another unpleasant sensation as well. It seems much thinner, constricting, stifling, making it harder to breathe, as if a portion of the air had been sucked out. It doesn’t make any sense. And yet, this abhorrent cold does not make any sense either.
Worry and an impending sense of dread fill him like a water moccasin filled well beyond its stretching point. He can’t stay in his bed any longer. He must find refuge. His father would allay his misgivings and set his mind at ease. He jumps out of bed. As his feet hit the ground, he is caught off guard by the unusual cold and lets out a small howl. He puts his hand to his mouth to further stifle the unexpected cry. Mitz emits a worried whimper and reluctantly follows.
Dante makes his way down the hall and into the kitchen area where his father is standing, oblivious to Dante. He is enraptured with something outside the window.
Although Dante made a bit of ruckus, Father takes no notice of him and continues to stare out the window. Dante is too frightened to say anything. The only reason for him getting out of bed was to be comforted by his father, but it appears he is worlds away. Dread turns to terror and Dante feels his heart trip-hammer in his chest.
An inexplicable noise erupts from outside as if a thousand angry birds are beating their wings at once. The air becomes more stifling and colder. Mitz emits a frightened whine. Yet Father does not turn away. As Dante is looking through the large picturesque kitchen window, a large menacing figure comes into view. He is dressed in black and amazingly he appears to have a massive wingspan. The wings billow out and beat imperceptibly fast, stunning him. Despite being frightened, he is mesmerized as well.
The figure is well over a hundred yards away, but Dante feels the stranger’s intimidating, piercing gaze. It sets his mind on edge and paralyzes him. By a sheer force of will, he manages to control his bowels. He couldn’t have moved in that second to save his life. His mind is very near its breaking point and it seems his father can keep it from going over.